Monday, October 27, 2008


so i cant say I'm mad about being grounded. through this i have learned so much. you really have no idea. Ive cried so hard during this past month. i cried because there has been a shift in so many of my friendships and my relationship with my parents. I'm not as close with people i used to be, but the bond grew between me and some others. i just don't understand how friendships can change just because i cant go out...friendships that have lasted 6 years and some that have lasted less. a friend is a friend, the meaning and depth of it shouldn't be affected by one being grounded. and this is why i cried. but I'm growing and learning. its a sad thing to realize and see how deep you thought your friendships went and how deep they really were. but now i know who to invest my time in and who to truly value. so its a sad but good thing. "we accept the love we think we deserve" and I'm done accepting less than i deserve. i wont cry anymore about it ill be happy that i am growing and learning.

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