Saturday, September 27, 2008


sometimes i feel like i am.
like i just sit and watch and it doesnt matter that im there. in fact its kind of like im not there. its interesting, i dont actually hate it because i like to observe people. it gives me time to think about things. it feels like i can freeze time for myself while it just keeps going for other people.

i cant wait to go to college and meet new people...maybe there ill be visible.
hah i feel like that true life crap " you think you know..but you have no idea". was fun a ton of fun for the most part.
the bands were pretty good..people showed up.. we raised money.
and i had fun with the people i was with.... it was nice.
dancing at the end was the best :D haha

hmm man o man im going to have a lot to tell my therapist.
if you only knew.